The discovery of supermassive black holes has always been a fascinating subject in astrophysics. Over the years, scientists have found several record holders for the most massive black holes known to date. However, the recent discovery of the black hole in Abel 1201 BCG is unique as it was found using an entirely different technique. In this blog post, we will discuss this breakthrough technique and the significance of the discovery.
Record Holders for Most Massive Black Holes:
Before we delve into the Abel 1201 BCG discovery, let’s briefly discuss some of the record holders for the most massive black holes discovered to date. One of these record holders is Tom 618, located in a galaxy approximately 18.2 billion light years away from Earth. Tom 618 has a potential mass of up to 40 billion solar masses, making it one of the largest black holes known to exist. Another supermassive black hole discovered in the middle of the Phoenix cluster has an estimated mass of up to 100 billion solar masses. This mass is double what scientists believed was even possible, leading to questions about the mechanism behind how such giants can exist.
Breakthrough Technique: Gravitational Lensing
The Abel 1201 BCG discovery is unique as it was found using a different technique called gravitational lensing. Gravitational lensing occurs when light from a distant object is bent by the gravity of an intervening massive object, creating an Einstein ring. In this case, the Abel 1201 BCG galaxy acted as a gravitational lens, producing an Einstein ring that resembled an eye with an eyebrow. The lensing effect can be used to determine the total mass of the object that produced the gravitational lensing effect.
Discovery of a Tiny Arc:
However, something was not adding up when the scientists analyzed the gravitational lensing effect in the Abel 1201 BCG galaxy. They discovered another tiny arc that could not be explained by the galaxy’s mass alone. This arc was discovered approximately two decades ago, but it wasn’t until 2017, with additional observations, that scientists began to analyze it further.
Simulations and Discovering the Massive Black Hole:
Scientists created various computer simulations to try and recreate the effect and determine what was causing the tiny arc. They tried different hypothetical scenarios and modified simulations based on different total masses for a massive object in the center of the galaxy. After hundreds of thousands of simulations, they discovered that a black hole with a mass of approximately 33.2 billion solar masses could explain the gravitational lensing effect and the tiny arc. This makes it one of the top 10 most massive black holes ever found, with an event horizon size similar to Tom 618.
Questions on the Existence of Ultra-Massive Black Holes:
The discovery of ultra-massive black holes such as the one in Abel 1201 BCG raises questions about their existence and the mechanisms behind their formation. Scientists are still unsure how these giants can exist and why they have been discovered in the early universe. These black holes can form quickly, or there might be another explanation for their existence.
The discovery of the black hole in Abel 1201 BCG using gravitational lensing is a significant breakthrough in astrophysics. The technique used in this discovery opens up new avenues for discovering massive black holes that were previously hidden. The discovery of ultra-massive black holes raises questions about their existence and the mechanisms behind their formation. As scientists continue to make new discoveries, we can look forward to further advancements in our understanding of the universe and the objects that exist within it.